Farne Islands

Trip Details

Regular monthly dives to one of the UK’s top dive sites.

Average depth 15m with a maximum of 40m.

Visibility can be variable.

Warm clothing and food for boat is advisable.

Ropes-off normally 08:30 but confirmed day before.

Boat fees paid directly to the skipper.

what3words:  resembles.crunched.dwarves 

Prerequisites: Advanced Open Water with cold water experience.  Dry Suit highly recommended.

For more information contact +44 7949 179 770.

Date Dive 1 Dive 2 
27th April Longstone Ends (30m)South Side  
18th May St Andre/ Crumstone* Hopper
15th JuneHopperSomali* 
13th July Hopper N/ Hares 
10th AugSomali*North Side
28th SeptLongstone EndsSouth Side 
19th OctKnife stoneAbyssinia*
9th NovWhirl RocksNorth Side
14th DecLongstone EndsSouth Side